Classic 52 Playing Cards
Playing cards are a set of cards that are used for various games, magic tricks, and even for divination.
The most common type of playing card deck is the standard 52-card deck, which includes four suits: hearts, diamonds, clubs, and spades. Each suit has 13 ranks, from Ace to King.

Trading Card Games
A Trading Card Game (TCG) is a type of card game where players collect, trade, and play with specially designed cards. Each card represents a different element of the game, such as creatures, spells, or resources. Players build their own decks from their collection of cards and use them to compete against others.

Players create custom decks based on their strategies and the cards they have collected.
Cards are often sold in randomized booster packs, encouraging players to trade with others to complete their collections.
Games are typically turn-based, with players drawing and playing cards to achieve specific objectives, such as reducing the opponent’s health points to zero.

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